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Application, Exhibit and Display Procedure

Willoughby Hills Community Center
Exhibit and Display Procedure

Program Overview

The City of Willoughby Hills has developed Community Center art displays and exhibits on a regular basis. The display space will, where applicable, reflect a variety of viewpoints and cultures. Permission for the public (groups or individuals) to use the Community Center display space may be given for educational, artistic, and cultural materials.

Requests for Display Space

Requests for display space will be considered in the order in which they are received. The following factors will be examined:

  • Relevance to community needs
  • Suitability of physical presentation
  • Non-offensive subject matter
  • Quality of the presentation
  • Space requirements
  • Timeliness
The City of Willoughby Hills will request a sample of the work at the Community Center to be shown prior to granting a request.* The City of Willoughby Hills reserves the right to limit the size and number of items on display and also will limit the frequency with which an individual or group may have a display. Exhibits cannot disrupt the normal routine of the Community Center. The City of Willoughby Hills has the right to decide if an exhibit or a portion of one is disruptive (such as audio or audio-visual presentation).  Framed art work must have framing wire and D-rings.     Exhibits and displays will include the exhibitor’s name, address, contact information and price of the item(s) shown. These exhibitor labels will be supplied by the gallery.  Any sale of items on display must be handled directly by gallery.  Twenty percent (20%) of any sale should be donated to the City of Willoughby Hills for future funding for art display at the Community Center. For this reason Artwork is to be for sale unless other aragments have been made in advance with the gallery director.
Artwork, including pieces sold during show,  is to remain in place for the duration of the show unless special arguments are made and agreed to by the gallery administrator. At the end of the exhibit period, materials must be picked up immediately after. These arrangements will be made with the Administration of the Gallery for the City of Willoughby Hills.

*Art work can be submitted in the form of 4 to 6 digital images that represent the bulk of your work and that have not been altered to enhance the image of the work. This can be delivered on disk to Gloria Majeski at City Hall at 440-918-8730 or by E-mail to: lee@whccag.com
Images are best to email if size is resolution 100 or less and image 8x10 inches or no more than 1000 pixels width or height.


The following categories of exhibit material are specifically excluded:

  • Commercial exhibits
  • Partisan political exhibits which do not advocate all positions on ballot issues.


Display Length of Time Guidelines:

Exhibits and displays may remain for a reasonable length of time as determined by the Administration of the City of Willoughby Hills.
Groups may reserve exhibit space up to one year in advance.

Liability Limitations:

Our philosophy states: “Exhibits are offered as a community service and do not carry the endorsement of the City of Willoughby Hills.”

The Community Center and City of Willoughby Hills assumes no insurance liability for items on display. Individuals, groups, of organizations should check with their private insurance policies to assure coverage.

Indemnification & Hold Harmless Agreement:

I agree that I will not hold the City of Willoughby Hills responsible for any damage, injury, claim or cause of action to me or my property as a result of my participation in this program.  I fully release and discharge the City of Willoughby Hills, its officers, officials, directors, employees, agents and representatives. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Willoughby Hills from any and all damages, claims, liabilities, causes of action, negligence, losses, obligations, penalties, suits, judgments, cost and expenses, including attorney fees, for injuries, death or property damage sustained or caused by me arising out of my participation in this program. I also grant full permission for organizers to use photographs of me and quotations from me in legitimate accounts and promotions of this program or on behalf of the City of Willoughby Hills.

I have read and I understand the above written policy,
I will abide by the restriction and limitations set in the policy of The City of Willoughby Hills for Community Center Display of Materials.

Signature of artist:    ___________________________________________

Print Name:  _________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________


Phone: _____________________             Email ____________________

Date:  ____________________

Contact us:Lee@WHCCAG.com

(440) 918-8730

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